:: Volume 4 - The Summer Supplement of Shefaye Khatam 1 - ::
Shefaye Khatam 2016, 4 - The Summer Supplement of Shefaye Khatam 1 -: 54-54 Back to browse issues page
P31: Art Relieves Stress in Kids with Anxiety Disorders
Leyla Bayan , Arezou Eshaghabadi *
Shefa Neuroscience Research Center, Khatam Alanbia Hospital, Tehran, Iran , a.eshaghabadi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3768 Views)

Art is a way to provide distance from the intense affect associated with the disaster, and a way to work around and through the natural defenses that arise when trying to link affect with cognition. The ability to create art about the threatening thoughts and feelings channels the child’s energy into the art, or into a positive task, which then can be explored safely. If these thoughts can be examined, discussed, and made meaningful in a concrete fashion through the art, the continual cycle of disruptive thinking, acting out, or symptoms can be interrupted and perhaps relieved or reduced. Art therapy can provide an excellent outlet for children with anxiety disorders to express themselves. It has been shown to benefit kids with ADHD, autism, and anxiety related to family problems. The aim of art therapy is to facilitate positive change through engagement with the therapist and the art materials in a safe environment.

Keywords: Stress, Art, Anxiety
Full-Text [PDF 178 kb]   (913 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review --- Open Access, CC-BY-NC | Subject: Psycology

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