Authorship and Contributorship
"Shefaye Khatam" defines an author as a person who has made a substantive intellectual contribution to the submitted manuscript. A substantive contribution includes more than 2 of the following:
- Concept/Design
- Acquisition of data
- Data analysis/Interpretation
- Drafting of the manuscript
- Critical revision of the manuscript
- Approval of the article
Author list and author order should be finalized prior to first submission. One author (Corresponding Author) should be responsible for all communications with the Journal throughout the review process. The Corresponding Author is responsible for uploading all submissions and revisions in the online system. The Corresponding Author should submit a brief description of all contributions to their manuscript in the title page. The Corresponding Author should disclose any information on prior or duplicate publication or submission elsewhere of any part of the work.
After submission, "Shefaye Khatam" don’t accept any author addition. Author omission or change in author order will require additional documentation. The corresponding author must provide an explanation to the editorial office if there is any change in authorship status (omission, or author order) after manuscript submission. The corresponding author must gather letters of agreement from all authors of the manuscript including the author who is being omitted or changed.
Less than 6 authorship are acceptable for original article for uni-center studies. In case report and letters, excessive authorship (more than 3 authors) should be avoided. If a paper includes more than 6 authors (for original articles) or 3authors (for letters or case report) the respective contributions of each must be specified in the accompanying cover letter. For multicenter studies or a study group, all Authors qualifying according to the above criteria are listed in the author byline OR in an "Additional Authors" Appendix.
All Authors must complete "Shefaye Khatam" Copyright Assignment Form, if the submitted manuscript is invited for revision after peer review.
Acting as a Co-investigator or study coordinator does not constitute authorship. Contributions such as supporting the study, contributing materials or participants, general supervision of study personnel, technical assistance, or collecting data do not constitute authorship.
Ethical Guidelines
- All studies on patients or volunteers and animal studies must have been approved by the authors’ Institutional Review Board. The relevant Ethics committee/institution review boards of the respective institutions must approve the study. These should be documented in the paper.
- Informed consent must be obtained for all participants, Case Reports, Clinical Pictures, and Adverse Drug Reactions. Authors should send a statement signed by Corresponding Author confirming that authors have obtained consent from the patient. It must be available if requested by the editorial staff.
- Please include written consent of any cited individual(s) noted in acknowledgments.
Conflict of Interest
Authors should disclose at the time of submission any commercial affiliations or other interests that may influence the manuscript. These include patent-licensing agreements, stock ownership, and sources of funding for the study, corporate sponsorship, consultancies, and institutional affiliations.
Review Process and Policy
All manuscripts will be acknowledged upon presenting to the Journal office, provided that all stated requirements are met. The manuscript is sent to two or more reviewers. The whole review process depends on receiving referees' comments and revising the manuscripts based on these comments to the author. On receipt of the revised article from the author, and after final approving by referees, the letter of acceptance is issued to the author. Authors have the right to communicate to the editor if they do not wish their manuscript to be reviewed by a particular reviewer because of potential conflicts of interest.
The author can also suggest the name of possible competent reviewers but it is up to the editor to accept it. No article is rejected unless negative comments are received from at least two reviewers.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly.