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:: Volume 9, Issue 2 (Spring 2021) ::
Shefaye Khatam 2021, 9(2): 48-59 Back to browse issues page
The Effect of Six-Week HIIT Swimming Exercise and Resveratrol Supplementation on the Level of SIRT3 in Frontal Lobe of Aged Rats
Amin Mehrabi , Abbasali Gaeini , Reza Nouri * , Farhad Daryanoosh
Department of Sport Sciences, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Kish, Iran , nuri_r7@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2471 Views)
Introduction: Mitochondrial disorders play an essential role in reducing the health, infestation, and progression of aging. The SIRT3 in mitochondria coordinates many mitochondrial biological aspects that are important in aging. Moreover, it alters directly the activity of many metabolic enzymes. Exercise has been able to enhance SIRT3 protein’s expression and improve antioxidant function and neuroprotection. Resveratrol acts as a modulator of SIRT3 and has anti-aging and neuroprotective effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of HIIT swimming activity and resveratrol supplementation on SIRT3 levels in the frontal lobe among older rats. Materials and Methods: Thirty rats were randomly divided into 5 groups; control (C), solvent (S), supplement (R), HIIT exercise (EX), HIIT exercise, and supplement (EXR)). The EX group performed HIIT swimming training for six weeks. Group C rats did not practice. Group R rats received only resveratrol supplementation. Rats in the EXR group performed HIIT swimming exercises with resveratrol. Group S received the only solvent. The SIRT3 protein levels were assessed frontal lobe of the rats. Results: A significant increase in SIRT3 protein was observed in group R, EX, and EXR groups compared to the control group. In addition, there was a substantial difference between the mean values of SIRT3 protein among the three groups. SIRT3 levels in the EX and EXR groups were significantly greater compared to the R group. Conclusion: Increasing the amount of SIRT3 in the response of HIIT swimming training in older rats indicating the involvement of this protein in metabolic pathways, antioxidant defense, and neuroprotection. In addition to metabolic tissues, this process occurs in the frontal lobe of the brain.
Keywords: Resveratrol, Swimming, Aging
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Type of Study: Research --- Open Access, CC-BY-NC | Subject: Basic research in Neuroscience
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Mehrabi A, Gaeini A, Nouri R, Daryanoosh F. The Effect of Six-Week HIIT Swimming Exercise and Resveratrol Supplementation on the Level of SIRT3 in Frontal Lobe of Aged Rats. Shefaye Khatam 2021; 9 (2) :48-59
URL: http://shefayekhatam.ir/article-1-2114-en.html

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