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:: Volume 12, Issue 3 (Summer 2024) ::
Shefaye Khatam 2024, 12(3): 21-32 Back to browse issues page
Designing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sensory Integration-Based Play Therapy for Promoting Social Skills in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Fatemeh Rabiei , Parvin Ehteshamzadeh * , Rezvan Homaei , Hamdollah Jayervand
Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran , p_ehtesham85@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (328 Views)
Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent impairments in communication and social interactions, as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. The present study was conducted to develop play therapy based on sensory integration and its effectiveness in the development of social skills in boys with autism spectrum disorder. Materials and Methods: The present study was quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design and a 1.5-month follow-up with the control group. The statistical population of this research included all boys with autism spectrum disorder aged 5 to 12 in Guilan province, Iran. Based on the criteria for entering the research and the purposeful sampling method, 30 children from the Guilan Autism Association were selected as sample members and were randomly placed in experimental and control groups. Play therapy based on sensory integration was performed individually for 15 sessions of 30-45 minutes in the experimental group. The research tool included the Vineland Social Maturity Scale. Results: The results indicated a significant difference between the average scores for the total social development score and its sub-scales—including general self-help, self-help eating, self-help dressing, occupational skills, locomotion skills, communication skills, and socialization skills—between the experimental and control groups in the post-test phase. This difference persisted during the follow-up phase. However, no significant difference was observed in the self-direction sub-scale. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that play therapy based on sensory integration can lead to significant improvements in social skills among boys with autism spectrum disorder.
Keywords: Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Rehabilitation, Child, Psychosocial Intervention
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Type of Study: Research --- Open Access, CC-BY-NC | Subject: Psycology
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Rabiei F, Ehteshamzadeh P, Homaei R, Jayervand H. Designing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sensory Integration-Based Play Therapy for Promoting Social Skills in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Shefaye Khatam 2024; 12 (3) :21-32
URL: http://shefayekhatam.ir/article-1-2496-en.html

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